Sunday, January 8, 2012

Back from the Holidays with some GF Beer news!

Hey Everyone!
I'm back from a holiday hiatus. I hope everyone had great Christmas and New Year's GF celebrations!

As I searched around for GF news, I found something that may make many of you smile...

Read the article here!

Coming later this January, Dogfish Head brewer has tinkered with a new Gluten-Free beer,  "Tweason'ale," that should go out to stores soon for just under $10.

Dogfish Head employee piling the gluten-free beer, Tweason'ale. / DOGFISH HEAD IMAGE
Company heads said they responded to their customers #1 request on social media -- a GF beer.

In a quote from the article:
Dogfish President Sam Calagione said the beer's inception came from customer feedback. "The No. 1 request that came from our pub regulars, through our website, twitter and Facebook, was to do a gluten-free beer," he said. "We've gladly responded to the requests."
I can't say how common the beer will be on store shelves, but I can say two things for sure after reading this article: GF customers can influence companies if they raise their vocies AND the GF community has taken yet another step in the right direction towards raising awareness.

Let me know of you see this on shelves later this month! @melissaayala12

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